The Country’s Largest MEAD-ONLY festival SugarBelt Mead Festival has decided to expand its footprint and Funktastic Meads & The Answer Brewpub have teamed up to organize and host this rain or shine festival extension!!!🙌
We have already confirmed ✅numerous meaderies and will continue to add them to bring you all-you-can-drink meads from 15-20 Meaderies from across the country!!!
Tickets options will be: VIP, General Admission and Designated Driver
VIP Ticket Includes: 1 Hour early admission (12pm-1pm) and all you can drink Mead until 4pm, Souvenir Tote Bag from Black Ninja Design, Custom Glass from Black Ninja Design and SugarBelt Coaster from RVA Capworks
General Admission Ticket: GA Glass and all you can drink Mead (1pm-4pm)
Designated Driver: Entrance into Event
Confirmed Participants include: Funktastic Meads, Silver Hand Meadery, Capital Hive Meadery, Four Fires Meadery, Pye Road Meadworks, Manic Meadery, The Buzz Meadery, Maniacal Meadery, Second City Meadery, Brewlihan Meadery, Black Heath Meadery, Haley’s Honey Meadery, Charm City Meadworks, Burnt Barrel Meadery and Many More to Come!!!
Grab your tickets here and join the fun: